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A preliminary study on the food resources and trophic levels of the benthic community in the Yap Trench based on stable carbon and nitrogen isotopesChinese Full Text

Guo Chengyang;Yang Zhi;Chen Jianfang;Zheng Hao;Zhang Dongsheng;Ran Lihua;Wang Chunsheng;Lu Bo;Chen Qianna;Institute of Environment and Marine Chemistry,Zhejiang University;Key Laboratory of Marine Ecosystem and Biogeochemistry,Second Institute of Oceanography,State Oceanic Administration;

Abstract: The deep-sea benthic community in the Yap Trench is highly food limited,with low biomass but high biodiversity.To investigate the food resources and trophic levels of the benthic community in the Yap Trench,stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of phytoplankton,zooplankton,sedimentary organic matter and megabenthos(include Porifera,Holothuroidea,ophiuroidea,Asteroidea,Actiniaria,Gammaridea)were analyzed.The phytoplankton and zooplankton in the euphotic zone of the Yap Trench is the original ... More
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    (A) Mathematics/ Physics/ Mechanics/ Astronomy

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