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Study on the Ratio of Hosts and Wasps When Mass Rearing of Chouioia cunea YangChinese Full Text

WEI Jian-rong , SHU Zhi , WANG Chuan-zhen , QU Hua-rong, YANG Jim, MEN Fang-lai (Research Institute of Forest Ecology, Environment and Protection, CAF,Beijing 100091, China; Experimental Centre of Desert Forestry, CAF,Dengkou 015200, Inner Mongolia, China; The Forest Protection Station of Yantai City, Shandong Province, Yantai 264000, Shandong, China ; Forest Bureau of Longkou City, Shandong Province, Longkou 265700, Shandong, China)

Abstract: The choice of best ratio of host and wasps when mass rearing of Chouioia cunea was studied. The result showed that 1: 1 or 1: 2 were the choice of the ratio of hosts and wasps when choosing fall webworm as a host and 1: 50 when choosing Antheraea pernyi as a host to mass rearing C. cunea. The longevity of C. cunea reared according to this ratio was about 6 days on average in field, which could guarantee them to find suitable hosts. To improperly increase the percent of wasp would have a bad infl... More
  • Series:

    (D) Agriculture

  • Subject:

    Forestry; Plant Protection

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