A Study of the Influencing Mechanism of Wildlife Captive Breeding on Their Population ConservationrevokeChinese Full TextEnglish Full Text (MT)
Wang Wenxia;Yang Liangliang;Hu Yanjie;Chen Shaozhi;Huang Songlin;Research Institute of Forestry Policy and Information, Chinese Academy of Forestry;Research Institute of Forest Ecology,Environment and Protection, Chinese Academy of Forestry;China Green Times;
Abstract: Wild animal and their products are widely traded around the world, and the consequent poaching has been a main threat to species conservation. Existing interventions and law enforcement cannot completely circumvent the resulting species endangerment and extinction. Some experts have suggested that wildlife captive breeding can alleviate the pressure on their populations. Based on the research in this paper, it is found that wild animal captive breeding can be beneficial to species conservation o... More
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- Series:
(D) Agriculture
- Subject:
Silkworm and Honeybee, Wild Animal Protection
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