(Accepted Version) Online First Publishing Date: 2020-06-15 16:17:05
The spatiotemporal evolution of China’s rural resilience and the key factors detectionrevokeChinese Full Text
LI Yuheng;HUANG Huiqian;SONG Chuanyao;LIU Yansui;
Abstract: The emerging rural decline problem alongside the rapid urbanization process needs more attention. The paper comprehensively evaluates China’s rural resilience in the period 2000-2015 by constructing indexes which cover natural capital, production capital, human capital, social capital and government efficiency. The results show that China’s rural resilience stays at low level and decreases continuously since entering the 21st century. The rural human capital shortage owing to the vast outflow of... More
rural resilience; rural decline; adjusting threshold; rural system evolution; sustainability;
- Series:
(J) Economics & Management
- Subject:
Agriculture Economy
- Classification Code:
CNKI exclusive online-first articles is prohibited to reprint and excerpt without permission.
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