Multimodal imaging of muon based on scattering and secondary induced neutronsChinese Full Text
Yan Jiang-Yu;Zhang Quan-Hu;Huo Yong-Gang;School of Nuclear Engineering,Rocket Force University of Engineering;
Abstract: Muon scattering imaging technology can be used to detect nuclear material and is of considerable significance in nuclear safety.However,it is difficult to distinguish special nuclear materials from high-Z objects effectively by using the existing muon scattering imaging technologies.Muon-induced neutrons emitted from special nuclear materials can help to identify the existence of special nuclear materials.However,this method has long imaging time and low imaging quality.Multimodal imaging of muo... More
cosmic ray muon; muon scattering imaging; muon induced neutrons; multimodal imaging of muon;
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(A) Mathematics/ Physics/ Mechanics/ Astronomy
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