(Accepted Version) Online First Publishing Date: 2024-05-30 13:59:41
The soil carbon, ntrogen, and phosphorus content, and their ecological stoichiometric characteristics under different land use patterns in the Loess Plateau of LongzhongChinese Full Text
Zhang Chen;Li Guang;Lu Wen-de;Deng Xin-shan;Yang Juan-juan;
Abstract: 【Objective】To study the response of soil carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) contents and their stoichiometric characteristics to land use modes in the Loess Plateau of Longzhong. 【Methods】Four different land-use soils, namely, sea buckthorn woodland, alfalfa grassland, abandoned bare land, and wheat land, were selected to determine the soil C, N, and P contents and their physicochemical properties. 【Results】The differences in soil physicochemical properties among these four land-use mo... More
carbon,nitrogen,and phosphorus; ecological stoichiometry; the Loess Plateau of Longzhong; land use pattern;
- Series:
(D) Agriculture
- Subject:
Fundamental Science of Agriculture; Agronomy
- Classification Code:
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