Neofusicoccum parvum causing canker of seedlings of Juglans regia in ChinaEnglish Full Text
Zhongdong Yu;Guanghui Tang;Shaobin Peng;Hui Chen;Meizhi Zhai;Forestry College,Northwest A&F University;
Abstract: Cankered, dying seedlings of Juglans regia were observed in Shaanxi province in the northwest region of China. Neofusicoccum parvum was isolated from these cankered tissues, with the identification based on morphology and an ITS-nr DNA sequence. In order to demonstrate how cultures of N. parvum could cause the expected symptoms, artificial infection, using these isolates and re-isolation of the pathogen, was used. This is the first report on this taxon as a walnut canker pathogen in China.
- Series:
(D) Agriculture
- Subject:
Plant Protection; Horticulture
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