Quantum secure direct communication protocol based on mixture of GHZ particles and single photonrevokeChinese Full Text
ZHOU Xiantao;JIANG Yinghua;GUO Chenfei;ZHAO Ning;LIU Biao;School of Information Engineering, Tibet University for Nationalities;
Abstract: Based on the combination of GHZ particles and single photon, a quantum secure direct communication protocol is proposed. In this protocol, Alice encodes the information, and then divides all GHZ particles into three parts: S1, S2 and S3. Firstly, Alice sends S1to Bob and detects the channel security. Secondly, mixes S2 with single photon SS and sends to Bob and detects the channel security after rearranging and adding decoy partic... More
- Series:
(I) Electronic Technology & Information Science; (A) Mathematics/ Physics/ Mechanics/ Astronomy
- Subject:
Physics; Telecom Technology
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