Species Abundance Distribution Pattern of Evergreen and Deciduous Broad-leaved Mixed Forest in the Subtropical Mountains of Southwestern HubeiChinese Full TextEnglish Full Text (MT)
ZHU Qiang;AI Xunru;YAO Lan;ZHU Jiang;PENG Zonglin;College of Forestry and Horticulture, Hubei University for Nationalities;Hubei Qizimei Mountain National Nature Reserve Administration;
Abstract: Based on the 6 hm~2monitoring plot abundance data of Qizimei mountains Nature Reserve, we used the cumulative experience distribution curve(ECDF) to characterize the species-abundance distribution pattern of different life-form functional groups in the plot, and six models were used for each function. The species rank-abundance curves of different sampling scales were fitted and the fitting effect was tested. The differences between the abundance pattern and model fitting at different scales wer... More
species abundance distribution; ecological process; model fitting; sampling scale; mixed evergreen deciduous broad-leaved forest;
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(A) Mathematics/ Physics/ Mechanics/ Astronomy; (D) Agriculture
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