Evaluation method on risk grade of tunnel collapse based on extension connection cloud modelChinese Full TextEnglish Full Text (MT)
GUAN Xiaoji;School of Management Science and Engineering,Shandong Technology and Business University;
Abstract: To predict the risk grade of tunnel collapse accurately,an evaluation factors system for risk grade of collapse was built based on the relative theory of collapse and engineering practice. The weights of evaluation factors were determined by using the comprehensive weight method and tested by using the cloud atomization phenomenon in the cloud theory. With the aid of matter element extension theory and connection cloud model,the transformation between the qualitative evaluation factors and quantitative evaluation factors was realized,then an evaluation method for risk grade of tunnel collapse based on the extension connection cloud model was proposed. The comprehensive certainty between the matter element to be evaluated and the connection cloud model was calculated,and the risk grade of collapse was determined combining with the characteristic values of fuzzy grade,then the evolution trend of risk was judged by introducing into the distance similarity. The results showed that the evaluation results of the extension connection cloud model were consistent with the risk grade of practical collapse,and the model can be better applied in the risk grade evaluation of tunnel collapse.
tunnel collapse risk; connection cloud model; matter element extension method; cloud atomization; distance similarity;
- Series:
(B) Chemistry/ Metallurgy/ Environment/ Mine Industry; (C) Architecture/ Energy/ Traffic/ Electromechanics, etc
- Subject:
Highway and Waterway Transportation
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