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Research on the comprehensive evaluation of tunnel blasting effect based on improved cloud modelChinese Full Text

JIN Yuan;YUE Zhong-wen;WANG Yi;CHEN Jia-yao;ZHAO Ying;School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing);

Abstract: To address the uncertainty of comprehensive evaluation of tunnel blasting effect, an evaluation method based on improved cloud model and combination weighting was proposed.The average linear over-excavation, average linear under-excavation, utilization rate of blast hole, half hole mark rate of peripheral hole, oversize yield rate and explosive unit consumption of explosives were selected as evaluation indexes by combining field engineering experience and relevant treatises. The order relation analysis(G1) method combined with the criteria importance though intercrieria correlation(CRITIC) method was used to assign weights to each index, and the cloud model was improved to process the blasting effect values and grade intervals in the same direction, so as to construct a comprehensive evaluation model to determine the comprehensive evaluation grade of blasting effect. Taking a tunnel as an example for verification, the model analysis results show that the comprehensive evaluation grade of the tunnel blasting effect is ‘better’ under the current design project of blasting and production level, which indicates the main factors affecting the blasting effect and provides a direction for further optimization of blasting design parameters.
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  • Series:

    (C) Architecture/ Energy/ Traffic/ Electromechanics, etc

  • Subject:

    Industrial Current Technology and Equipment; Highway and Waterway Transportation

  • Classification Code:


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