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Detrital zircon ages of the Permian coal-bearing rock series in the Zhongtiao Mountain area and their sedimentological constraints on regional tectonic activityChinese Full Text

WU Fang;LI Zhenhong;JING Xianghui;KOU Linlin;DU Zhuang;LIU Bohua;Institute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;Key Laboratory of Active Tectonics and Geological Safety, Ministry of Natural Resources;Key Laboratory of Paleomagnetism and Tectonic Reconstruction, Ministry of Natural Resources;Research Institute of Exploration and Development,Changqing Oilfield Branch Company,PetroChina;National Engineering Laboratory for Exploration and Development of Low Permeability Oil & Gas Fields;School of Earth Sciences and Resources,China University of Geosciences (Beijing);

Abstract: [Objective] The changes in the material composition of detrital sediments in a sedimentary basin are intimately associated with the uplift and denudation processes of provenance areas. The southern margin of the North China Craton, a primary tectonic unit of the continental area of China, preserves relatively complete geological records of the Permian. The Zhongtiao Mountain area is located in the core of the Fen-Wei graben system on the southern margin of the North China Craton, with the southe... More
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    (B) Chemistry/ Metallurgy/ Environment/ Mine Industry; (A) Mathematics/ Physics/ Mechanics/ Astronomy

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