Burden of a Talented Female Poet:The Refashioning and Recreation of Li QingzhaoChinese Full Text
Ronald EGAN;East Asia Department,Stanford University;
Abstract: As a talented poet and harsh critic of other writers of her day,Li Qingzhao was an anomaly in her time.In the Song Dynasty,there was not yet the acceptance of female writers that began to take hold in Ming-Qing times,nor was there a community of literary women or empathetic men to offer encouragement.The hostility Li Qingzhao faced as a woman venturing into the male domain of letters may be glimpsed both in what she wrote and what early critics wrote about her.In later centuries she continued to... More
Li Qingzhao; reception history; Song lyrics; poetic persona or"voice"; remarriage of widows; Shuyu ci;
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(H) Education & Social Sciences; (F) Literature/ History/ Philosophy
- Subject:
Chinese Literature
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