Ecological adaptation of root architecture to grassland degradation in Potentilla acaulisChinese Full Text
ZHOU Yan-Song and WANG Li-Qun College of Ecology and Environmental Science,Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Huhhot 010018,China
Abstract: Aims Our objectives were to 1) examine the ecological adaptability of Potentilla acaulis to grassland degrada-tion from the perspective of root architecture,2) reveal why it can be a dominant species in extremely degraded grassland and 3) discuss its important roles in vegetation restoration or succession and preventing grassland from desertification.Methods We collected relatively complete P.acaulis roots by trenching.The numbers of first vertical roots,length of horizontal root tillering and n... More
broad-waist-inverted centrum; ecological adaptation; grassland degradation; Potentilla acaulis; root architecture; root architecture parameter;
- Series:
(A) Mathematics/ Physics/ Mechanics/ Astronomy; (D) Agriculture
- Subject:
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary
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